Wednesday 6 October 2010

UNICEF in action

Our field trip team arrived safely back in the UK on Monday after an amazing week with the UNICEF team in Zambia.  Unfortunately technology and a very tight timescale were against us so we weren't able to post very much on this blog.

We visited projects in Lusaka and Livingston and saw first hand how money raised in the UK has been used on the ground to help those in need, especially children, following flooding in the country.

It was great to see the school in a box kits in use at schools in Lusaka and a new resettlement community near Livingston.  The team visited the warehouse where supplies of the school in a box and recreation (sports) kits are stored for future use.

We all found the trip an incredible experience and made us grateful for the basic things in life that we often take for granted such as 
somewhere safe to live, clean water and proper sanitation.  

The team are very proud of what our company has achieved and the success of our partnership with UNICEF.  Thanks to everyone who made the trip possible.

Monday 27 September 2010

Arrived safe

After a 10 hour flight we all arrived safely in Lusaka where we were met by Vicky from UNICEF UK.  We checked into the hotel, had lunch and were picked up and taken to UN House, first for a security briefing about Zambia, then a programme update from the UNICEF field office team on how money raised by the company has been spent on various projects.  Tomorrow we will visit some of the school projects and meet kids who have benefited from the amazing UNICEF school in a box kits.  They only cost GBP 175 and can provide an education for up to 80 children.

All pretty tired by the end of the day, we had a quiet dinner at the hotel where a couple of us ate nshima (staple local food made of ground maize/corn flour, aka mielie-meal or pap in SA) with relishes and fish.  All eaten with your hands - quite liberating to ditch the cutlery and get sticky fingers!

Friday 24 September 2010

Just 2 days to go


And welcome to the Orange UK blog page about our field trip visit experiences in Zambia with UNICEF.  We (Kathy, Sharon, Emma, Keith and Steve) leave this Sunday and will meet Vicky and local field office staff from UNICEF in Lusaka.

We will be in Zambia for a week visiting projects funded by Orange employees and customers, and seeing how the money raised by the partnership with UNICEF is making a real and significant difference to the lives of children affected by natural disasters around the world.

Keep up to date, follow our trip, share our experiences all on this page, technology permitting! 
